Sunday, April 17, 2011


I'm looking forward to getting three things that I've already ordered: My prom dress, my glasses, and my black fedora. I'm trying to be patient, but they're just so awesome that I want them a.s.a.p.
The dress is probably what I'm looking forward to most. It's super cute and I can't wait to get it so I can start making my mask (and possibly getting some long gloves, just to feel extra-fancy).
Next would be my glasses. I'll be able to see long distances!!!!!
Then the fedora: I already got the white one for Shaa but the black one was on backorder (I think it's in the process of getting here? idk) but then we're going to have MAFIOSO MONDAY. And a photoshoot. Cause we're the awesome people who will dress up like Mafia members and go take pictures in some warehouse-type area. I'll probably upload a picture for you guys. XD

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