Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Operation: Wink -- Failed.

So I was thinking about my lack of self-confidence and so I woke up at 5am this morning, took a shower, put on makeup, and got ready and whatnot (Like I said this morning in my last post), and I had a plan. Which I named Operation: Wink. You see, Shaa and I normally pass by the guy I like on our way to science, and when we passed him, I was going to make eye contact and wink at him. The thought was that if I winked, I would be on his mind for at least a little while, wondering why the heck I winked at him. So I'm all pretty today, dress, earrings, necklace, makeup, and tights, right? Well, we don't pass him. In fact, I don't see him until my last class of the day. What a downer, right? Wrong. I actually got a compliment (from a friend who wouldn't lie about that, lol) and so I knew I had achieved the look I was going for. Confidence boost. I had a conversation with him in which we made eye contact for quite a while. Confidence boost, (except when the teacher said that we had to speak in french, which pretty much flat-out kills every conversation in that class).  I'm going to his volleyball game later. BOOST. But on the way home on the bus, I was really happy about today. That was, until some douche-bags in the back of the bus got in trouble, and the bus driver pulled over and reassigned them seats. At first I was just thinking "I want to go home" because I really had to use the restroom. But no, it got worse. One of them had to sit by me. And I picked up my heavy backpack and my lunch box, fit them both on my lap. My backpack was practically squishing my bladder. To make it worse, he slid over as close as he could to me, so that his leg was practically squishing mine. And I'm in a dress here. That is not okay. It totally killed my mood. So much so that I practically stalked home in eight minutes. It normally takes me about twelve minutes. But hey. I've always got that volleyball game later, right? And I wrote a story! Because Shaa and I were talking about it during science, and then I spaced out, and then somehow I had said "I'm too short to do that" and she looked at me and I was like "WHAT DID I SAY???" I remember the thought though. And I wrote a little story for Shaa like I promised. I might upload it during the summer. A nice little thing called "Operation: Last Resort"

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