Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Sometimes people just piss me off.

So I was in Economy today, and we're starting this project (RIGHT after we turned in a project) where the class splits into two groups and we try to come up with a product and business and everything, and we're competing with the other group to get a grant from a benefactor. So I look at the paper and I'm thinking "wow, I won't be good at any of this... except maybe the 'promotion' subgroup... cause I can film, take photographs, and edit them... I'll try to get into that group -smile-"
So we discuss the products. Before we even divide into subgroups, I ask our elected "president" if I can be in the promotion subgroup. She says "yeah sure" and I thought she wrote it down (she wrote something down). Then someone was like "Yeah, we have to split into groups". And I thought to myself "Well I don't have to worry about that~" But oh no, I had to worry. Because I heard her say "You three in promotion" and I looked up. Three boys who would no doubt just have fun and mess it up were just put into my group. So I ask "Can I be in promotion group?" And she looks at me and says "It's already full. How about you go into distribution group, instead? It's pretty much the same thing." So I just sit there and think "How the heck is advertising and figuring out how the product gets from A to B the same thing? You said I could be in the group five minutes before we even picked groups." It made me wonder if she was playing favorites or if she forgot. Instead of asking again I should have said "I'm still on promotion group like you said I could be five minutes ago, right?" But no, I tried to calmly explain that the only thing I would be good at would be promotion group because I have a nice camera that can film and photoshop elements and I can make posters and stuff. What did the boys have? Nothing. Just a silly idea that they would film a commercial. So now I'm on a subgroup that I know nothing about and probably won't do well on. I don't even know who's on the group with me. Raver was going to be, but the pres decided that she should be on a different subgroup.

And to make everything better, when I was going home, I thought I would have a quiet ride home with either my brother or Shaa. But I didn't know that my brother still had tennis (so I ditched my stuff in the van) and walked to the spot, and apparently Shaa had already left (I don't blame her or anything, she probably had something to do), so I had to wait for the bus in the wind and cold, then sit on a seat filled with crumbs (luckily I got my own seat though... But it was in the mid-back of the bus) where people were yelling and throwing tortillas. I tried to drown it out, but it was terrible. I wanted to snap at them all and just tell them to all shut the eff up, but that wouldn't do anything. Then I had to wait. And walk home in the wind and cold.

But when I got home there was a seventeen magazine waiting for me :D

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