Monday, May 16, 2011

It's Monday

And the weather is slightly bipolar. But my mom's gone all week (she's been gone a couple of days already), and I've realized that I'll be a pretty good mom. I don't know. But the other night, my brother was like "Hey, can I go to Nicki's house?" (idk if I spelled her name correctly), and I responded (even though he was asking Dad) with "As long as you're home by 11." He looked at me and said "I was asking Dad, but if he says no then I'm asking you." So my dad says no (like the sarcastic person he is), and my brother says "Okay. Hey Soy, what time are you planning on going to bed?". I knew what he was getting at so I was like "Ohhh I don't know, I'm kinda tired... But I'll probably stay up until you get home so I can yell at you if you're not home by 11." and he was like "DARNIT" and walked out the door, with me saying "No sex, drugs, alcohol, be safe!" and my dad looks at me and says "You'll be good at this". It made me happy, because I've always thought that I would be a terrible mother. But oh well. And I've made dinner the past couple days (not very good, but edible and I appreciate the practice), and I've had the instinct to clean things and wake up early just to take care of things. Is this what happens when you get responsibilities? You suddenly become more responsible???

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