Sunday, May 8, 2011

Prom :D

Dude I had so much fun. We went to Ari's and ate delicious mexican food that Tina made, and then took a ton of pictures (my death heels made me trip in an uneven field during one, then while eating my heel caught on my chair and I fell again) But then we showed up at prom at 9, and I got so many compliments and gave out so many compliments... But when they announced Prom King and Queen I was kinda disappointed. Idk why really, I didn't even get to vote. But yeah, I saw the guy I liked (and he did indeed look spiffy) and his date (and she was so pretty and I ended up complimenting her and giving her a hug, cause she actually is nice). But yeah, RIGHT AFTER SHAA LEFT, THEY PLAYED BORN THIS WAY WHICH SHE REQUESTED TWO OR THREE TIMES. It was funny. But then we went to Ari's to hot tub and I borrowed a suit and it had these high hips and low back and I'm like D: then I realized that I actually looked good in it. But we had a really good time just chilling. XD  We left around 2am and I fell asleep on the ride back home and got home, put pj's on and fell asleep. I woke up at like 9:30 am and I was like "I kinda want to sleep more" but I couldn't.

On another note it's mother's day and I'm going to go to zumba with my mom at 1.

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