Sunday, May 22, 2011

Birthdays, Q-Prom, and Crazy Dreams

So It was Koi's birthday tomorrow, and his sister invited Mariah, Ari, Shaa, Karina (but she came late), Kaden (but she couldn't come), and I for a surprise breakfast. We showed up at around 9am, and waited quietly in the living room. Koi's mom called him out, saying that breakfast was ready, and so he walked out of his room and walked towards the living room. At the last second (before we yelled "Happy Birthday!") he mumbled "Gotta pee" and turned into the bathroom. We all had to keep in our laughter, because he didn't see us yet. But when he got out we all yelled happy birthday and everything, and ate some delicious breakfast. :D

After we ate we didn't know what to do so we chilled in the living room (and ate Ho-hos). We watched some TV but we mostly ended up taking naps. After we all woke up, Koi's mom ordered pizza and we ate a lunch/dinner type thing. Then we went back into the living room and napped more. But after that we played a game of Quelf and then we got ready. Ari did some really awesome paint with a fork and the purple body paint I had. It was tribal and almost henna-ish. But we got ready and headed out.

So we went to Q-prom, which was awesome. I made a mini-cuff (just three rows, but it broke halfway through the night). And so it was at the Children's Museum (so I ran around like a little kid most the time) but we danced and had fun and everything and I'm glad we went. I saw a lot of good friends there. And the Q-prom king and queen was cool. (I didn't know anyone running) The prom Queen was this chick named Charlie and I wanted to ask her where she got her outfit but I never really had the chance to (It was so cute! I was jealous) but I wanted this guy named Nira to win. (I really like that name, btw. "Nira". It's my backup name just in case I have two daughters. Rizelle and Nira).

But afterwards Shaa, Karina, Ari, and I went to Denny's. We were pretty much on crack by that point, and we were giggling and whatnot and we were just loud and crazy.

But yeah! I had this dream, and it was one of those dreams that keeps happening, but not exactly the same, they just parallel. But the parallels are: There are two groups which are mostly made up of assassins, and they try to catch each other (they're reported as "killed after capture" but in all the dreams I had the feeling that they never died), but there are exploding robot dogs that always mistake me as a target and I have to hit them off of a high place so they don't really explode then I fall down a hill of some sort. But in this dream there was Koi's mom who worked in the organization, and she brought us all to work with her, and she brought us to this one place and dropped us off at this desert place. And we had to trek to the building cause she had to do something beforehand. So one of my friends who I had seen at Q-prom was there, Raver, and she was this freaky assassin chick. Nothing like her normal personality. And when we walked up this hill, I got a thorn (which was a special thorn that won't come out of skin for some reason) stuck in my leg and Raver leaned down and said "they stay in for every person you've killed." (but I wasn't an assassin and idk if I had killed anyone.) But it was super-weird. But then we got to the top of the desert-hill and there was the big compound below. And I started crawling all stealthy-like to impress my friends (all in good fun) and this cute robot dog thought I was a trespasser and tried to blow me up, so I hit it into the air and I ended up having to roll down the hill cause of the blast. But then it went into a little in the future where we were inside the compound and Koi's mom was giving us the tour.
We walked into a cell and there was this guy who I had seen at Q-prom (idk his name, but in the dream his name was "Iso" (pronounce ee-soh)) And I had never actually seen a prisoner before, but I felt that it was wrong to kill people for being rivals. Idk it was weird. But then it fast-forwarded to the future and I had two little kids, a boy named Iso and a girl named Nira. (I guess I really liked the name) but I looked at my son and  wondered what happened to the original Iso, and I felt he wasn't dead. So I went and asked the lady in charge and she was like "Oh? Him? He was turned into this color" and pointed to a gold swatch. (I guess when people are killed they turn into colors? It made sense in the dream) And then idk... I think I woke up... Either that or I forgot the rest. OH WAIT. There was one part where they had captured a little girl and they were sewing her a dress and I wondered why they would make them nice clothes if they were just going to kill them. More evidence towards they're all still alive. But it was a really weird dream.

Anywho! I got home at 2 and woke up at 8 and tried to wash the paint off and ended up taking an hour just to scrub it all off. And now I should really be working on a project for school which is due Tuesday but I think I'll get breakfast/lunch first because my stomach started growling. :3

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