Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Just the Way You Are

   You know the song by Bruno Mars, "Just The Way You Are", right? Well, since it's a guy singing to a girl, it sounds completely fine; but if you switch it to a girl singing to a guy, you just sound SUPER needy. This got me talking to my friend Shaa the other day, and she said that it sounded like right when my husband-person (when I have a husband-person, SOME DAY!!) walked through the door, I'd jump him or something. She also mentioned stairs, the hood of the car in the garage, and the kitchen table. We had a fun time with that one, but somehow that led me to thinking about what kind of adult I'd be (how? I have no clue, but it did.) And I realized that I would be such a child when I was an adult. I'd go up to husband-person when he's working (because in this scenario, I don't have a job for some reason and he works at home) and I'll tug on his sleeve and the conversation will go something like this:
Me: "Hey."
HB: "Yes?"
Me: "Will you take me to the park?"
HB: "What?"
Me: "Will you take me to the park? Y'know, so I can play?"
HB: "Why do you want to go to a park??"
Me: "So I can play! Duh! We don't have swings in the back yard! But we should get some... Can we go buy a swing set?"
HB: "What??"
Me: "A swing set. So I can swing."
HB: "No. I'm working. Besides, we don't have the money for swings right now."
Me: "Aww why not?"
HB: "Do you want to go without food?"
Me: "...No..."
HB: "That's what I thought. Will you go read a book or something? I'm trying to work."
   Then I'd go off and do something for a bit then get bored and remember that I wanted to swing. So I'd go back and tackle him so he doesn't just shrug me off.
HB: "What do you want now??"
Me: "Park?"
HB: "I'm trying to work."
Me: "Please?"
HB: "Why don't you go without me?"
Me: "Because it's night-time!! I could get robbed, or raped, or murdered!"
HB: "Take a flashlight and some pepper spray."
Me: "But it's cold."
HB: "Then why do you want to go to the park?"
Me: "Because when you're at the park you don't care about being cold! You're at a park!!"
HB: "Please, I'm trying to work. If you go to the park, please take your phone so you can call me if you get raped or murdered."
Me: "How will I call you if I'm lying in a ditch bleeding?"
HB: "Fine. Let's go to the park."
   Then I jump up and down like a child and run around getting ready to go to the park. Then most likely when we get there I swing for about five minutes then complain that it's cold and ask to go home. But I got to go to the park. Yes. I win. Take that Husband-person. I just realized that I put HB that entire imaginary conversation that lasted way longer than I expected and if you read all that and got to this point then I applaud your attention span, oh yes, about HB. I meant HP for Husband-person but now I'm way too lazy to go back and fix it. So you get this terrible explanation. :D wuvsuu!

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