Friday, February 4, 2011


It's a fun word to say.

Anywho, now that that's over, I will get to the business that prompted me to write this post. Actually, all I wanted to say was butter. Maybe I'll leave it at that.

Is there even anyone that reads this blog? If there is, how would people feel if I posted some photographs on here? I'm not quite sure how I would make it awesome but y'know. I'll make it work somehow.

Edit: I looked at my hand and saw "Name: Sexwulf" and started laughing. My friend, the brilliant blonde (I actually really like how that sounds lol) was reading "Bede" which is about the history of the English people (I think) and she said that there was a bishop in the 7th century named Sexwulf. I should have my child's middle name be that. Or perhaps a pet? Who knows :D (But that would be awkward if my child was named Sexwulf.)

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