Sunday, June 12, 2011


So Shaa and I go to Angie's house to study for Marine biology, and we show up 15 minutes early, so we sit in the truck for 15 minutes. And then we walked up to the house (where we had never been before), and knocked on the door. No answer. We ring the doorbell. No answer. We call Angie and ask "Does your house have steps?" And she's like "What? Hold on, I'll walk outside my house." So we run down the steps to the street and run into Angie, who's walking from her backyard to the street. She was in the backyard so she couldn't hear us. She lets us in the yard, and her mom's like "Hey, help set up this patio umbrella". So we set up a freakin' patio umbrella the first 15 minutes we're there. Normally I feel awkward when I go to other people's houses, but that killed any awkwardness that there would have been.

So we set that up and then go inside. Shaa and I started freaking out about the hugeness of the house. It was awesome! But then we got to studying, and we did the study-sheets, and had cookies and soda and laughed and called each other fat (just Shaa and I, pretty much), and just had an awesome time. The final is on Tuesday, but I'm pretty sure I'll remember at least a few of those just from making fun of the questions or having an extremely hard time finding them.

I graduate on Thursday. That's one late-start Monday, one short-day for finals on Tuesday, a senior outing on Wednesday (to a waterpark), and then Graduation. (and then Grad-"nite" at Magic Mountain)


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