Sunday, April 3, 2011


So while everyone else will be "walking like they had anal sex" last night (in the wise words of Ari), I'm perfectly fine. It's most likely all the zumba I do. Including the songs where we do squats. My legs don't hurt at all even after dancing for about two and a half hours, most of which was jumping or getting low (and I mean LOW).
Other support that I have thighs of steel:
  *When I was at Koi's house, Shaa and Kaden tried to keep me out of the bathroom (we were being homo/nonhomo. It was like wrestling, but not as technical? idk we were messing around) and I was trying to get in, and I got inbetween the doorway and the wall and kept pushing. I almost overpowered both of them (with the  help of making very awkward noises to make them laugh), but then they tried to run (it failed btw).
  *When I went to get a physical, the doctor was like "you have very strong legs" and I was thinking "what? how? I don't do anything! but then I remembered and thought "herpaderp"

But yes. I have Thighs of Steel. :D


  1. Yeah but it shouldn't count when we were trying to get out of the bathroom cuz you had the wall to push off from. Even John could keep us in if he had a wall to help him out >.>

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