I hate when I'm so sick that I can't even think properly. Today in math, instead of being able to work on my homework, because after staring at one problem for 15 minutes then finally putting it away, I started coloring with my 64 pack of crayons (or 64 pounds of crack, as it has been dubbed thanks to a little slurring of "pack" and "crayons") when I heard a lawnmower outside the classroom. I thought to myself "A grass-cutter! No... that's not right... a tractor? no... that's even more not right-er.... THAT'S RIGHT IT'S A LAWNMOWER." That's how sick I am. I couldn't think of the thing that mows the lawn. Also, for an AP English student, who's been in some sort of advanced English class since 7th grade, thought "not right-er."
Also, I look stoned and I swear it's not the "crack" (which ironically makes me cough when I smell it).
تقدم شركة شركة النقل في الدمام جميع عملائها مجموعة واسعة من الخدمات لم يتم رؤيتها قبل أي شركة أخرى لنقل الرغيف. كما سيقدم لك مجموعة كبيرة من الخصومات الضخمة على عمليات النقل التي تصل إلى